Expert Advice
Celebrating Women's Achievements: A Look at Women's History Month
From all of us at Versus, Happy Women’s History Month!
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4 Powerful Ways To Prioritize Mental Health In Athletes
Mental health has been in the spotlight for many years now. Particularly amongst teens, discussion of a ‘mental health crisis’ is common, referring to skyrocketing rates of mental health problems in youth and adolescents.While mental health considerations in athletes do overlap with those of the general public, there are some factors specifically related to sports that need attention. Research indicates that depression in college aged athletes occurs at about the same rate as in non-athlete peers—approximately 25%.
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Ball Mastery for Soccer
The best way to improve ball control in soccer is to spend more time with the ball. Put simply, the more time you put into intentionally practicing ball control—the better you will become.
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Soccer Defensive Footwork Drills
For a defender to be successful, they must have exceptional defensive footwork. Kelley O'Hara teaches you how to train to become a better defender on the pitch.
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How to Master 1v1 Domination in Soccer
To be successful, every soccer player must learn how to keep the ball while outmaneuvering their opponents in a 1v1 situation. Learn form David Copeland-Smith on how to master your 1v1 soccer drills.
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Footwork and Balance for Soccer Goalkeepers
Footwork is the glue that holds all of a goalkeeper’s skills together. Learn from Ashlyn Harris on how to dial in your footwork to stop the ball as a goalkeeper and put yourself in a position to be an elite goalkeeper with her footwork drills.
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Teamwork In Sports: Why It’s So Important
The importance of team building in influencing positive outcomes for sports teams is a vital component. When it comes to team building, though, one of the primary variables that are believed to be critical to success is the perception of the team's overall cohesiveness.
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Expert Tips to Improve Decision Making in Sports
Improve your decision-making in sports--on the field and off. The one skill that is often overlooked is the coaches' and athletes' ability to make correct decisions under intense pressure and time constraints.
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Winning the Mental Game in Soccer
While the obstacles and adversity faced by each athlete are different—developing a winning mindset is a common trait among everyone. Learn how to develop a winning mindset from Ali Krieger.
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Strength Training the Body for Softball
Your body is the most important piece of equipment you bring to the field each day. And for best results, you must ensure that it’s operating at peak capacity. But in a sport with such varying physical demands as softball—that's easier said than done.
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How to Develop a Mindset of Greatness
Every athlete you look up to has developed a mindset of greatness. And it’s this mindset that enables them to do the work, every day, to stay in their ideal performance zone.
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Game Winning Defensive Strategy for Softball
Knowing where to focus your energy as a softball coach is hard. Tim Walton gives you solid advice on defensive strategy on the softball field.
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Becoming a Great Leader
Great leaders are instantly recognizable because they are different, in a good way.If you want to become a great leader, you’ll need to be ready to forge your own path. But that doesn’t mean you have to go it alone.
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The Value of Great Teammates in Baseball
In any sport, the value of teammates goes well beyond just having a group of people to play. Learning how to utilize the value of great teammates can change the trajectory of an athlete’s entire career and in turn their whole life.
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How Soccer Goalkeepers Can Build Quicker Reactions and Faster Reflexes
In soccer, there is perhaps no position whose success is more closely tied to quick reflexes than the goalkeeper. Ashlyn Harris breaks down three soccer goalie drills you can do to improve your reaction time and reflexes.
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A Guide to Diving for Soccer Goalkeepers
Diving is an essential type of save that every goalkeeper in soccer must master. Ashlyn Harris teaches you the proper soccer goalie diving drills that will help you become a stopper in the net.
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A Guide to Defensive Positions in Soccer - Right Back & Center Back
Defenders are the unsung heroes on every successful soccer team. Ali Krieger walks you through her drills to improve your right back and center back positional skills.
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Training the Next Generation
From around 15 years old and under, children require a specific type of external motivation, guidance, and encouragement that just isn’t needed for older teens and young adults. Coaches and parents of this age group will be familiar with the frustration of trying to get the balance “just right” to keep kids engaged in sports.
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Pre-Season Routines for Baseball
The players who perform best early on tend to secure spots in the starting line-up. So if you aren’t ready to show up on game one, you could miss your chance to make an impact as the season unfolds.
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The Power of Your Personal Brand
When your personal brand is focused on your core values and what is important to you, it can help to develop the sense of meaning, purpose, and direction that are essential to achieving big goals, and finding fulfillment in sports and life.
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9 Tips to Improve Coaching Performance
Self-development or self-improvement is the single most effective and practical strategy coaches can take advantage of to ensure they get the most out of themselves.
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Softball Coaching: Best Practices for In Game Management
A veteran head coach shares the secrets to effective in-game management.
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Soccer Passing Drills - Improve Distribution & Passing Range
Learn soccer passing drills from Ali Krieger and improve your passing range on the pitch. Distribution, or passing the ball, is one of the most important skills for players of every position in soccer.
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The Most Overlooked Mindset Tips in Baseball
Grit. Tenacity. Competitiveness. A growth mindset. Resilience. Self-belief. These are all essential mindset skills that every athlete should work on. But if you want them to move the needle in your baseball career—you must learn them properly.
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How to Create a Winning Routine for Baseball Pitchers
Success in any sport depends on the ability to repeatedly perform at a high level of competition. To achieve this, athletes must pay meticulous attention to every aspect of training, recovery, and game preparation.
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How to Master Aerial Control for Soccer
To improve aerial control, the player must know how to read the depth and speed of an incoming ball. Then be able to move into the right position to receive it. Learn soccer ball control drills from Ali Krieger on VS.
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Handling Technique for Soccer Goalkeepers
Nothing is more important than handling skills for a soccer goalkeeper. Learn from Ashlyn Harris how to master your goalkeeper handling techniques and drills to improve your game.
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Developing an Elite Mindset
A winning mindset is a common denominator in what separates the ordinary from the extraordinary. But many times, naturally-gifted athletes rely solely on their natural ability. And unfortunately, these athletes will never reach their full potential.
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Goalkeeper Distribution Fundamentals for Soccer
A goalkeeper with great distribution skills can step up and become the 11th field player, giving their team a distinct competitive advantage.
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Train to Adaptable
Learning to be an adaptable player can take your game to the next level. Kelley O'Hara teaches you how to succeed both on and off the field.
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Soccer Footwork 101
Learn soccer footwork drills with Ali Krieger. If you want to improve your soccer footwork then you will want to read how Ali Krieger goes about her training on the field.
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Putting in the Work - Becoming a Champion
If you set small, manageable goals and increase them week by week, you will see progression in your skills. Push yourself. Repetition and consistency are critical to becoming great.
Read Articlebaseball
Bullpen and Pitch Grips for Baseball Pitchers
MLB legend Adam Wainwright breaks down his bullpen routine—plus he covers grips and throwing tips for his 5 top pitches. Learn the curveball, cutter, changeup, 4-seam & 2-seam fastballs.
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3 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness
Learn 3 techniques to develop mental toughness in yourself and your players. These techniques work both on and off the field. Plus will work for you in any avenue in life, not just sports.
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Powerful Ways for Athletes to Master Failure
Think about it. There's hardly a rider that hasn't fallen off a bike, a golfer that hasn't missed a put, or a basketball player that hasn't missed a free throw. A mistake on the track, the field or the court is just a sporting mistake - you failed, but you are not a failure. Goal setting is an effective strategy to enhance performance. It helps to focus attention and maintain motivation.You have to accept your limitations. That doesn't mean you can't participate and improve.If you love your sport and you want to excel at it, accept that it won't be easy.
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Mentality Is Everything
You would be hard pressed to find a professional athlete or high-level coach
that doesn’t recognize the importance of mentality in sports.
Michael Jordan,Kobe Bryant, and Shaquille O’Neal all credit mindset coaching
for some oftheir biggest successes.
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How to Use Visualization to Improve Athletic Performance
Learn how visualization can help improve athletic performance by relieving stress, preparing for events, and improving outcomes. Athletes use visualization techniques to see themselves winning, crossing the finish line first, or making that perfect shot. But did you know that visualizing can also help relieve stress and improve relaxation?
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How to Use Critical Thinking In Sports
the ability to know how to respond to your opponent in the moment comes down to your ability to make cognitive decisions that your body has to follow.We usually hear the term “critical thinking skills” in the context of work and education. But critical thinking skills can help us in every aspect of our life.Every athlete knows that sport is not a purely physical activity. The mental components of sport range from resilience, motivation, and passion, to strategy, discipline, and wit.Like any athletic skill, critical thinking requires practice.
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How To Turn Adversity Into Opportunity
Two MLB veterans share their secrets to growing after injury
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How Meditation Can Help Your Athletic Performance
Lots of people know that meditation is a technique that trains your brain to be more skillful, focused, and less reactive. So how does meditation help with athletic performance? Researchers believe that it increases focus and attention while also decreasing anxiety and stress.So if you’re looking for an edge on your competition, consider adding meditation to your training regimen. It just might give you the boost you need to take your game to the next level.While more studies need to be done to confirm the effects of meditation on athletic performance, there is certainly potential for this ancient practice to help modern athletes reach new levels of success.
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Adding to the Arsenal with the Dropball & Changeup
Jennie Finch teaches you how to throw a changeup and drop ball in softball, which every softball pitcher must learn how to throw.
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Soccer Juggling Fundamentals and Progression
Every professional soccer player has something in common, they can all juggle for a very long time. And why juggling may not be a skill directly used on the pitch, during soccer competition, it will help develop the key skills used in controlling the ball.
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Soccer Passing and Receiving
Passing and receiving are fundamental in the game of soccer. In order to play the game, you must be able to pass and receive the ball. A team that is able to pass and receive is able to maintain possession, reduce pressure, create time and space ultimately will score goals.
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Mastering the Art of the Riseball
Jenny Finch teaches you how to defy gravity, with the hardest pitch to throw, and hit, in softball--the riseball. Learn the proper softball pitching mechanics and cues to throw an effective riseball.
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Adding to the Arsenal with the Curveball & Screwball
If you’re looking for extra ammunition to take down big hitters, these two breaking pitches are a great place to start.
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Guide to Working Hitters as a Pitcher
9 powerful strategies to keep batters guessing and get more outs. Success as a pitcher is as much about strategy as it is about making good pitches.
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How to Coach Third Base
A head coach with over 1000 career wins explains one of the most important roles on the field. In baseball and softball—the third base coach can win or lose games.
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Being a Complete Pitcher
Find out how pitchers can level up their skills and stand out from the crowd.
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10 Ways to Effectively Lead Through Change
Coach Tim Walton shares what he’s learned about leadership and adapting over 24 years in coaching.
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Pitcher’s Fielding Practice
Adam Wainwright explains how paying attention to the little things can win the big games.
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How to Build a Winning Culture
Use this framework to set your team up for sustainable success.
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Hitting Mechanics for Baseball
A lesson in the fundamentals of hitting from one of the greatest players in baseball history, Albert Pujols.
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Generating Pitching Speed in Softball
Jenny Finch gives away the secrets to her famous fastball.
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Fundamentals of Hitting for Softball
Tim Walton teaches you the keys to building your swing in softball and the fundamental drills to help you improve.
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Consistency Is Queen
“The Queen of Consistency” herself, Jennie Finch, explains how habits and routines lead to greatness.
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Hitting Fundamentals: Upper & Lower Body
How to use the whole body to generate real power and precision at bat.
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Why Focusing On Process Over Outcome Matters
We all have goals in life, no matter how big or small. While it might look like an athlete became famous “overnight,” their success probably took years of dedication and training.It’s important to remember that there are two different types of goals: outcome goals and process goals.There’s nothing wrong with wanting an outcome goal, whether you hope to one day participate in the Olympics or make a certain amount of money as an athlete.We know that some of the most internationally-known athletes focus on their goals to ensure they have the best career possible.
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The Real Payoff of Playing Sports
One of the benefits of playing sports is that you can build leadership skills, especially on a team. Learning how to communicate is another one of the biggest benefits of sports for anyone.When someone learns how to play a sport, they may have to overcome adversity.One of the benefits of sports in child development has to do with school.The better you or your child does in school now is nice, but participating in sports may help to prepare for college.
Even after college, you may still enjoy the many benefits of sports for students.Of course, one of the benefits of team sports is that you get to meet other people.
Read Articlesoftball
The Power of Routines
How routines can improve sports performance and 5 tips to develop your own.
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Stretching and Arm Care Routine
What is your routine to get ready to pitch? Learn how to warmup properly to pitch with Adam Wainwright.
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Proper Softball Pitching Mechanics
Jennie Finch teaches you how to get the most out of your body when pitching—by maximizing efficiency and safety.
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Playing Catch with a Purpose
Every day you play catch is an opportunity to get better. Learn how to play catch with a purpose and improve your throwing mechanics as a pitcher.
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Improving Your Swing Through Soft Toss
Albert “The Machine” Pujols, runs through how to use the soft toss to prepare for batting practice.
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How to Train Your Mind
Controlling attention is a superpower every athlete should master—here’s how to do it. At Versus, we like to go deep on mindset.
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How to Set Goals in Sports
If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there. For many, it's often a pipe dream to excel into the higher ranks—and that dream often dissipates without the effort, drive, and goals required to continue on competitively.
In sports, commitment is absolutely key.Much like working to be better than someone else, goals help you take steps in improving your game.When you set your own goals, no one else is to blame when you don’t hit them.If it matters, measure it.Without a goal, you are essentially working without a target.Having high expectations for yourself is normal.Without goals, it may be difficult to stay motivated.
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How to Set Goals for Success
Know where you want to take your game. Learn how to set your goals for success for both in-season and off-season.
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How to Develop the Ultimate Practice Plan
Guidelines from a master coach that can be applied to any sport.
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How to Be a Good Teammate
Albert Pujols explains how having a team focus promotes individual success.
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How to Battle Fear & Anxiety
5 tactics from an Olympic softball veteran to combat negativity and self-doubt.
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How Knowing Your Players Promotes Success
3 tips for coaches and parents to implement a powerful shift in perspective.
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Hitting Fundamentals - Timing
Timing is essential to becoming a great hitter. Learn from Amanda on how to develop and practice your timing as a hitter.
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Game Strategy - What Every Athlete Must Know
In every sport, game strategy is crucial to success—especially for athletes wanting to consistently perform well.
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Dialing in Your Tee Work
How intentional practice with a tee can help perfect your swing to become a better hitter
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Developing Into a Power Hitter
What every aspiring big hitter MUST know. When it comes to hitting, every player in softball and baseball needs to be able to create and direct power.
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Building Your Swing off the Tee
Quality over quantity is what matters when developing your routine
Read ArticleA Guide to Tee Work
Incorporate this simple, yet effective, tee work routine from Albert “The Machine” Pujols into your practice routine.
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10 Rules to Manage Conflict Like a Pro
No matter the activity or setting—there’s always going to be conflict in sports.
It’s simply impossible to throw together the mix of coaching staff, trainers,
athletes, administrators, and parents that make up a modern-day sports team
and expect there not to be some fireworks.
When not managed properly, ongoing conflict can destroy an athletic team
from the inside out. Unresolved conflict can negatively impact performance,
stop individuals and teams from reaching their goals, and drain any fun and
enjoyment out of the game.
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